Twin, VBAC, and Breech Oh My!

I was a 40 year old, pregnant with twins.  I had an unplanned c-section in my 2nd pregnancy & was hoping for a VBAC. Discussions with "traditional" healthcare providers, after the twin revelation, focused on a scheduled c-section. Because of multiple factors in a high risk pregnancy & a lost husband who needed some guidance in labor support, I did some research & determined a doula was what I needed.

I met Leila, with Devotion Doula, at an event. I was struck by her knowledge & confidence. She has a vibrant & warm personality. My husband agreed she was the best fit for our family. She helped me become better educated in a plan of self-actualization in the birth I wanted.  She used Spinning Babies techniques to assist my babies rotating out of transverse positioning, baby A moved breech, baby B head down. She empowered me to advocate for a VBAC with my MFM versus my OB/GYN. 

When my water broke, she helped me labor at home to progress naturally in a safe and familiar environment.  At the hospital, her support and presence encouraged me to advocate for the birth I wanted. She helped my husband be the birth partner I needed & told me I was strong and powerful and made to do this.  When I felt discouraged or fearful, she was able to guide me out of that rut and find my inner power and strength & helped me focus on the productive pain, pain with a purpose, when my epidural decided to take a break during transition. She helped me guide baby A towards my cervix to apply the necessary pressure to fully dilate.  She was there to celebrate the achievement that I was ready to push and welcome my sons into this world.  She cheered me on & captured photos to commemorate the occasion.  My VBAC baby A breech birth was the birth I dreamed of.  I felt my power and strength as a woman and mother.  Leila was integral to my journey and I am forever thankful for her part in my story!

Donna Choudry


Induction Perfection


First Time for Everything