First Time for Everything

From the moment we met Leila, we knew she was the right fit for our birth. This was our first baby, I knew I wanted to an unmedicated hospital birth, and my husband and I knew we wanted that extra support from someone who knew what to expect, could advocate for us, and could help him support me in the best way possible during labor.

One of the first things Leila told us about birth, is that it could be {insert textbook description of labor} or it could be nothing like that at all. My birth was anything BUT textbook, and Leila was there for us every step of the way. She gave her time and came over multiple times during my 3 weeks of prodromal labor to work spinning babies to try and help our son try to get in the best possible position for delivery. She coached me and supported us through a really intense labor process. She stayed by my side after our son was rushed to the NICU and my husband had to follow. She helped us get a latch when breastfeeding was hard. She checked in and made sure we were okay emotionally as we processed everything that happened during our birth.

One of the other amazing things is Leila’s care for partners. She always made sure that my husband was at the forefront of the birth process and made sure he was included in every decision. That was very important to us. She helped him support me while also supporting him. She made sure his concerns and feelings were validated and constantly checked in with him during the birth process.

Leila always informed, educated, presented evidence, but never pushed us to make a decision one way or another. She always gave us enough information to empower us to make our own decisions and then wholeheartedly supported us.

Leila is more than a doula - she’s become family.

-Janelle Mack


Twin, VBAC, and Breech Oh My!


A Doula for A Doula