Labor of Love

I cannot express how grateful I am to have had Leila as our doula. My husband was skeptical but once we both met her and saw the passion and heart she has for birth, he was sold. My husband wanted me to have support during our first birth together and also wanted support in helping me deliver. And Leila did that and so much more! She helped us make informed decisions by providing us with evidence based research. I was very informed and empowered throughout my pregnancy to make my own decisions. And when it came time to labor, she was there every step of the way. We labored at home until I was 5 cm and then went to the hospital where I delivered. She knew I wanted a natural, non-intrusive birth and supported me in that the whole time. Because of her, I was able to deliver with the doctor I wanted, in the position most comfortable to me and in the way I had planned for it. From feeding me snacks and water to rubbing my back and feet, Leila did it all. She was very hands-on and stayed awake and present during my whole labor with my husband. I asked one of my nurses what they thought of her and she said that Leila was the most hands-on doula she's met. She's seen doulas just sit back and watch whereas Leila would actually work with the nurses and doctors to support the birth. She made us feel very comfortable and would explain anything we had questions about regarding birth. All in all, Leila was way more than what I could have ever imagined a doula could be. She became our advocate, friend and family. Thank you, Leila. We couldn't have had the birth we wanted without your incredible support and love. - Andre, Ingrid & Isabella Ortiz


VBAC Beauty


Induction Perfection